Remodel Within Reach Design Blog

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Home Decorating - Feng Shui Style

Feng Shui is an ancient philosophy from China that promotes the belief that all objects in the environment have energy that influences other objects in the home. When decorating with the principals of feng shui in mind, the key is to create balance and allow Chi or energy to flow in the unique space within the home. Chi is made up of yin and yang, opposite forces, along with the elements water, wood, fire, metal and earth. The belief is that when balance is achieved in the home, the occupants will have improved health and energy.

Difficulty: Moderate

Use color to decorate according to Feng Shui principals, and bring the appropriate element into each area of the home. In Feng Shui, red represents good luck, green represents peace and blue represents water and growth. Decorate with graphics that are symbolic of what you desire in your life. For example, fish symbolize wealth.
Decorate the Fame and Reputation area with the color red since this space is enhanced by the element of fire. Using red in this space will bring luck and recognition. Candles and other forms of lighting work well to enhance the fire element.
Improve the Wealth and Family area of the home with the elements of wood and plants. Blue carpeting will enhance this space, since blue represents water, which contributes to the growth of wood and plants.
Bring natural crystals, terra cotta and tile into the Health, Relationship and Knowledge area of the home. Complement these elements with earth tones like orange, brown and yellow.
Introduce metal to the Children and Creativity area in the form of wind chimes and wrought iron. To enhance the metal in this space, use white and metallic colors.
Decorate the Career area of the home with a small amount of water. Popular ways to bring water into the home are water fountains, aquariums and pictures representing water scenes. The colors black and white complement the Career area.


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